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Be Confident, Love Yourself, Not Your Bad Environment

How to love yourself and be confident with life? First make sure that God is in you. Those who can feel God anywhere they are know themselves better than anyone else. There's nobody who know you better no matter how hard someone convinces, don't you think?

to love yourself, to get confidenceAs a consequence you need to be very careful in every step you make anywhere you are. You are not going to do such a thing to betray your principles and be ready to face the future. You're afraid if you get trapped in sins and cannot get away from them. One of such stupid things to do is get addicted to drug, this is not the right way to love yourself and you cannot be an exceptional person with such condition. All what are in your mind such as rebellious conduct, extreme pleasure and unreasonable anger and anxieties, that's terrible!

Along with this is also alcohol dependency. How to love yourself while you prefer to get lost in life and have lack confident to face reality as what it is? You're destroying your life and the life of people who love you around you. This sucks!

Such a bad environment may influence you with or without you realize it. You get engaged in this satanic circle and cannot find a way out. People who care about themselves get blessed by staying away from any influences destroying their lives. There's no tolerance. Because the future is too bad to lead without doing their best in life.

There's a path for you to go through and there's success to get if you know how to care for yourself and nobody as confident as you in reaching this goal. So you know how you're going to make it happen. There are no words like pessimism or procrastination in this context.

By the way, have you ever heard of what is so called law of attraction? This is also a trigger for you lead a better life and get confident with the mindset you have. Anybody with positive thinking can get and attract what they want anywhere they are.

All the gratitude that you express to God and to all creatures in this universe is also the way how to know the real meaning of love. There's no jealousy in your heart, no grudge to keep, you can be as holy and pure as a newborn baby. Your heart is as sweet as angel.