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Get Teenagers Out of Drugs And Alcohol! Save Them!

Teenagers and alcohol abuse, how to cope with it? And what is your response to find the fact that your beloved kid starts to use drug?

In the countries where alcohol are free to consume, such a concern is not extraordinary. How can we stop people from drinking? And how to prevent young generation from drinking too? Teenagers and drugs, how about that? All is the reflection of the society. Modern life brings about its own consequence.

No matter what religion you are, you must be taught of something which is not appropriate to do in life. What do you think of seeking pleasure by "ease your mind" in alcohol? Islam, for example, this religion is the strongest to go against drug and alcohol and it teaches a generation, from the early age, teenager, adult until the elderly that drinking is haram (forbidden). The reason is logical. When you "get high",  alcohol can control you; as you get drunk you feel free to do such things without conscious mind, this might lead to mockery, brawl, abuse, adultery and even killing!

So, now the context is abuse, teenagers are the subject but still alcohol and drugs belong to the society? It's all related to each other. So? Only when you change the mindset you can hope that your beloved child(ren), including teenagers can be saved from the addiction.

It's better to prevent before it's too late and hard to cure. Only the problem is when such a culture, has, for many ages, supported such action like drinking, and besides that teenagers get lack religious teachings never wish to have other cases like drug addiction not befall anybody of all ages.

Now, save your own self before you save these teenagers! But how dare you go against the custom or culture? The problem of teenagers and drug abuse is not the same as adult drinking alcohol. Don't you think? However there's a correlation between them.

Drug abuse committed either by teenagers or adult bring about bad effect as terrible as alcohol abuse. This endangers society and goes against decency.

While teenagers should be free from drug abuse, adults should give a better example by not using drug, but, however this drug problem will last immortally until one realizes that drug contains deadly ingredients of hell tortures.